2025年欧洲肝脏研究协会大会(EASL CONGRESS 2025)

◆ 会议时间:2025年5月7-10日
◆ 会议地点:荷兰 阿姆斯特丹


◆ 会议简介:

2025年欧洲肝脏研究协会(EASL)年会/大会(EASL国际肝脏大会)将于2025年5月7日至10日在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行。EASL大会/国际肝病大会(ILC)是EASL的年度会议,是全球肝脏病学领域最大最具影响力的国际会议,是展示最佳实践和科学、介绍肝病学的最新趋势、展示当前科学进展、提供国际水平的教育与建立社交网络的领先平台,每年都有来自全球100多个国家的7000余名专业人士与会。欧洲肝脏研究协会大会/年会(EASL Congress)的与会者包括:肝病学、胃肠病学、内科学、细胞生物学、移植外科、传染病、微生物学、病毒学、药理学、病理学、放射学他成像等领域的科学与医学专家及众多媒体代表。


EASL Congress 2025
Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL 2025)
Formerly: EASL International Liver Congress (ILC)

7-10 May 2025

Amsterdam, the Netherlands


We wish to extend our warmest welcome to the EASL Congress 2025, set to unfold in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 7-10 May.

As the largest event in Europe dedicated to hepatology, our mission remains steadfast: to provide an unparalleled platform for knowledge exchange, professional growth, and collaboration. During our four days together, we will experience a diverse array of session formats tailored to cater to every level of expertise and area of interest. Attendees can expect a stimulating environment conducive to learning and innovation.

From excellent lectures delivered by top contributors in the field, to the opportunity for hands-on skill development, the unveiling of cutting-edge research, new findings, and much more… each moment promises to be both enriching and enjoyable.

Though rooted in Europe, EASL Congress transcends continents, attracting participation from every corner of the world, and thereby fostering a truly international dialogue and feel. This year’s congress will also be accessible online, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for all.

We invite you to join us in Amsterdam, whether in person or virtually, as we collectively chart the course for the future of hepatology. Together, let us seize this opportunity to forge new friendships, reconnect with old colleagues, and learn something new in our field.



Abstract submission opens: 1 October 2024

Abstract submission deadline: 3 December 2024

Late-breaker abstract submission period:26 February - 10 March 2025





Abstract Submission opens
1 November 2023

Abstract Submission closes
16 January 2024

Abstract notifications
26 March 2024

Late breaker opens
27 March 2024

Late breaker closes
10 April 2024

Late breaker notifications
29 April 2024

EASL Congress 2024
5-8 June 2024


摘要提交指南>>>Abstract submission guideline>>>

摘要提交模板>>>Abstract submission template>>>




Abstract submission fee: 50 Euro (excl. VAT)

Case submission fee: free



Welcome to EASL Congress 2024

We look forward to warmly welcoming you to the upcoming EASL Congress 2024, taking place in a hybrid format in the vibrant city of Milan and online from 5-8 June.

The Milan Congress promises a dynamic and insightful programme, featuring a diverse range of topics and perspectives that reflect the complexity of liver-related issues. From cutting-edge research sessions to interactive workshops, our aim is to provide a comprehensive experience that enriches your knowledge, challenges your assumptions, and expands your horizons.

Our commitment to diversity and inclusion extends beyond academic interests. We are dedicated to amplifying the voices of all groups in hepatology, ensuring that their invaluable contributions are acknowledged and celebrated. By doing so, we hope to forge new paths for collaboration and cooperation that drive our field forward.

We firmly believe that by fostering a platform where every voice is heard, we can push the boundaries of innovation, understanding and care in hepatology.

As you prepare to embark on this enriching journey, we encourage you to engage actively, connect passionately, and seize every opportunity to contribute to the collective advancement of hepatology.

We eagerly look forward to welcoming you to Milan and online, where the hepatology community will come together like never before.

Mark your calendars for 5-8 June, and prepare to be a part of an unforgettable EASL Congress 2024.

Aleksander Krag, EASL Secretary General



EASL2024 注册费:

EASL Members - Onsite fees

Onsite early fee until
2 April 2024
Onsite standard fee until
4 June 2024
Onsite last-minute fee
5-8 June 2024
Full Participant 605 EUR 680 EUR 840 EUR
Trainee & Postdoc, Nurse, Allied Health Professional, Patient 210 EUR 315 EUR 420 EUR
Delegate, low-income economy*** 125 EUR 175 EUR 225 EUR
Trainee & Postdoc, low-income & lower-middle income economy**** 80 EUR 100 EUR 120 EUR
2-day pass Nurse Forum** 125 EUR 125 EUR 125 EUR
Undergraduate students 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EUR


Non-Members - Onsite fees

Onsite early fee until
2 April 2024
Onsite standard fee until
4 June 2024
Onsite last-minute fee
5-8 June 2024
Full Participant 990 EUR 1,100 EUR 1,300 EUR
Trainee & Postdoc, Nurse, Allied Health Professional, Patient 330 EUR 450 EUR 600 EUR
Delegate, low-income economy*** 150 EUR 200 EUR 250 EUR
Trainee & Postdoc, low-income & lower-middle income economy**** 100 EUR 120 EUR 140 EUR
2-day pass Nurse Forum** 150 EUR 150 EUR 150 EUR
Undergraduate students 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EUR



EASL Members - Online fees

Online early fee until
2 April 2024
Online standard fee until
4 June 2024
Online last-minute fee
5-8 June 2024
Full Participant 485 EUR 540 EUR 670 EUR
Trainee & Postdoc, Nurse, Allied Health Professional, Patient 165 EUR 250 EUR 330 EUR
Delegate, low-income economy*** 100 EUR 140 EUR 180 EUR
Trainee & Postdoc, low-income & lower-middle income economy**** 60 EUR 80 EUR 100 EUR
Undergraduate students 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EUR


Non-Members - Online fees

Online early fee until
2 April 2024
Online standard fee until
4 June 2024
Online last-minute fee
5-8 June 2024
Full Participant 790 EUR 880 EUR 1,040 EUR
Trainee & Postdoc, Nurse, Allied Health Professional, Patient 265 EUR 360 EUR 480 EUR
Delegate, low-income economy*** 120 EUR 160 EUR 200 EUR
Trainee & Postdoc, low-income & lower-middle income economy**** 80 EUR 95 EUR 110 EUR
Undergraduate students 0 EUR 0 EUR 0 EUR


* Registration fees are excluding VAT. Please refer to the terms and conditions for detailed information on the different VAT regulations.




◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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