
◆ 会议时间:2025年9月14-17日
◆ 会议地点:墨西哥 坎昆


◆ 会议简介:


国际妇产科超声学会(ISUOG)是国际领先的妇产科超声专业学会。从1991年出版第一期UOG Journal和举办第一届世界大会开始,ISUOG已逐渐发展成为一个在全球127个国家拥有超过13,000名成员的国际组织。 ISUOG旨在通过在妇产科超声方面提供、推广和宣传播高质量的教育、标准和研究信息,来改善妇女的健康。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)

35th ISUOG World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Date: 14-17 September 2025
Venue: Cancún, Mexico

Pre-Congress courses: 13 September 2025

Organized by:
International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG)




Key dates - abstract submission:

  • 11 October 2024: Abstract submission opens
  • 18 March 2025: Abstract submission and submitter registration deadline
  • June 2025: Abstract notifications

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Why submit your abstract?

  • Raise your professional profile: Promoting your research and findings at the ISUOG World Congress gives you access to a global audience. This is your chance to disseminate your research ideas, and gain exposure for yourself and your research face to face.
  • Get published in UOG: Your work will be published in a supplement of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology (UOG) journal. The influential research journal has a global impact factor of 6.1 and has reached 6.8 million downloads in 2023.
  • Attend World Congress: Benefit from attending the World Congress with discounted registration fees. You will have the chance to network and collaborate with clinicians and OBGYN professionals with similar interests face to face.
  • Be awarded: Scientific awards are presented to authors of the top abstracts from the ISUOG World Congress every year. You can also apply for a Travel Grant and the prestigious Young Investigator Award.
  • Make a difference: By sharing your work, you increase the knowledge of professionals in the fields of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology attending the conference, thus making a difference in the lives of patients and OBGYN professionals across the world. 


ISUOG rules of submission

  • At the time of submission, if an abstract has already been published elsewhere, it cannot be submitted to ISUOG
  • If after acceptance, an abstract is published elsewhere, it can be presented, but not as a Top Abstract and will not be published in the abstract book
  • Submitted abstracts must not include already published data
  • All speakers participating in a CME activity are expected to disclose to the audience any financial interest or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or provider(s) of commercial services discussed in an educational presentation. You will be asked to confirm these interests during submission
  • All abstracts must be submitted via the official Congress online submission system
  • Additional instructions提交说明 including formatting your abstract online 

Abstract submission topics

01. Pregnancy complications
All topics related to screening, diagnosis and management of fetomaternal pregnancy conditions including stillbirth, preterm birth, gestational hypertension/pre-eclampsia, (pre) gestational diabetes, etc., including AI-based prediction, and excluding infection.
02. Genetic disorders
All topics related to screening and intervening for chromosomal and genetic diseases, including serum (cfDNA), screening with quantitative ultrasound, multiomics (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, etc.), and gene therapy.
03. Fetal brain
All topics related to evaluation of normal brain/CNS development as well as screening, diagnosis and management of brain/CNS anomalies during pregnancy and postpartum.
04. Fetal heart
All topics related to evaluation of normal heart development as well as screening and diagnosis of CHD, and assessment of cardiac function.
05. Fetal anatomy other than brain or heart
All topics related to screening, diagnosis and management of normal and abnormal fetal development and anatomy (other than brain and heart) and including multi-organ syndromes that lack a clear genetic diagnosis.
06. Fetal and maternal infections, maternal medicine and peripartum and post-partum complications
All topics related to infectious conditions during pregnancy (such as COVID-19, CMV, etc), maternal complications that can affect the fetus and peripartum/post-partum maternal conditions. 
07. Fetal growth
All topics related to evaluation of normal or abnormal growth as well as management of growth-related problems.
08. Multiple pregnancy
All topics related to management of multiple pregnancies, excluding fetal interventions.
09. Placenta
All topics related to normal and abnormal cord and/or placenta, including screening, diagnosis and management of the abnormally invasive placenta.
10. Ultrasound in the labour ward
All topics related to ultrasound in the labour ward, including before active labour or immediately after delivery.
11. Fetal therapy and interventions
Includes all topics related to fetoscopy and other fetal interventions such as medical therapy, surgery for monochorionic pregnancies, TRAP sequences, valvuloplasty, CDH, myelomeningocele, LUTO, etc.
AI in obstetrics
Within each topic we welcome abstracts on the use of artificial intelligence improving the interpretation of the ultrasound images.
Quality of care across the spectrum
Within each topic, submissions related to education and training, simulation, safety, technical innovations and patient's perspectives (and patient-centered ultrasound services) are welcome.
12. Early pregnancy 
Includes topics related to the diagnosis and management of miscarriage, the management of pregnancy of unknown location, the diagnosis of tubal and non-tubal ectopic pregnancy. Abstracts on ultrasound guided removal of retained pregnancy tissue with or without enhanced myometrial vascularity may also be submitted. We would also be happy to see abstracts relating to the diagnosis of molar pregnancy in this category.
13. Diagnosis of ovarian masses
This topic relates to the use of ultrasound for the diagnosis and classification of ovarian and other adnexal pathology. In particular we are interested in the use of ultrasound to discriminate between benign and malignant ovarian masses. Work may include the use of biomarkers or other complementary imaging, but we would expect to see ultrasound data as part of the results.
14. Pelvic pain and endometriosis
This topic principally relates to work related to endometriosis, adenomyosis and associated pathology. However, submissions related to other causes of pelvic pain, ranging from pelvic infections, tuberculosis to chronic pain syndromes, are welcome. We also welcome abstracts on the use of ultrasound in selecting those women who will benefit from upfront (endometriosis) surgery versus those in whom a holistic (non-surgical) management is indicated.
15. Fertility workup and fertility preservation
We welcome abstracts on the diagnostic fertility workup, including ovarian reserve assessment, tubal patency testing, and congenital/acquired uterine anomalies. We welcome abstracts covering the use of ultrasound to conservatively manage e.g. borderline ovarian tumors, dermoid cysts, endometriomas, as well as studies on ultrasound-guided interventions to optimize fertility preservation.
16. Bleeding, endometrial and myometrial pathology
Includes the assessment of fibroids, polyps, niches (caesarean scar defects) as well as the diagnosis of hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma. Work on the use of contrast (e.g., saline or gel instillation sonography) is also welcome.  Abstracts on the use of ultrasound in operative hysteroscopy and laparoscopy before/during myomectomy are also welcome.
17. Imaging in oncology
We would expect to see abstracts relating to the use of ultrasound to help manage women with gynecological malignancy, for example in the context of staging or managing ovarian, endometrial or cervical carcinoma, and uterine sarcoma. Work on the use of ultrasound in monitoring women during/after (surgical of medical) gynecological cancer therapy may also be considered.
18. Urogynecology and acute gynecology
Includes all studies relating to the use of ultrasound in urogynecology. We also welcome abstracts on the use of ultrasound in an emergency setting, including e.g., ovarian torsion, acute hematoperitoneum, or non-gynecological causes of acute pelvic pain (e.g., urolithiasis, appendicitis).
AI in gynecology
Within each topic we welcome abstracts on the use of artificial intelligence improving the interpretation of the ultrasound images.
Quality of care across the spectrum
Within each topic, submissions related to education and training, simulation, safety, technical innovations and patient's perspectives (and patient-centered ultrasound services) are welcome.
Pediatric and adolescent gynecology
Within each topic we welcome abstracts on pediatric and adolescent gynecology. 




◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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