
◆ 会议时间:2024年9月29日至10月2日
◆ 会议地点:美国 华盛顿


◆ 会议简介:


美国放射肿瘤学会(ASTRO)成立于1958年,是世界上首屈一指的放射肿瘤学组织。ASTRO现拥有超过10000名会员,包括医生、护士、生物学家、物理学家、放疗技师、剂量师和其他专业从事放谢治疗的医疗保健专业人员。 作为领先的放射肿瘤学组织,ASTRO致力于通过专业的教育和培训,支持临床实践和卫生政策标准,促进科学研究和宣传宣等手段改善对患者的护理。——未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)。

ASTRO 2024 - 66th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
Date: September 29 - October 2, 2024
Venue: Washington DC, United States


ASTRO2024 摘要征文投稿:


The call for abstracts submission site will open January 5, 2024, and will close on March 12, 2024. Notifications will be sent June 7, 2024.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time
FEE: $75 per submission (non-refundable)
NOTIFICATIONS: Friday, June 7, 2024

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


  1. Sponsorship or ASTRO membership is not required to submit an abstract.
  2. Abstracts must be received by 11:59 p.m. Pacific time, Tuesday, March 12, 2024.
  3. All studies in oncology, radiation oncology and radiation therapy for non-oncologic conditions are eligible for submission. This includes basic and translational science, technology-related, health services research, epidemiologic, patient-focused clinical studies and all phases of trials.
  4. An abstract may only be submitted once. Abstracts of clinically-related subjects should be combined into a single abstract. Submission of multiple abstracts on a single study may result in the rejection of one or more abstracts.
  5. Submit new research. Data from the long-term follow-up of previously presented clinical trials may be submitted only if significant new information can be shown.


Submission Requirements
  1. Abstract Title: The abstract title should not include results. All titles should be written in title case, and should not include a period at the end.
  2. Abstract Body:
    • Abstracts must be properly formatted and organized into four sections identified by the following bolded headers: Purpose/Objectives, Materials/Methods, Results and Conclusions.
    • Abstracts should include a scientific hypothesis in the Purpose/Objectives section, and implications for research, policy or practice in the Conclusions section, when applicable.
    • The abstract cannot contain illustrations, images or graphs. If the abstract is accepted, presenters may include these items in their on-site presentations.
    • An abstract may contain one small table.
    • The maximum character limit, including the title and body of the abstract and any text in a table, is 2,600 characters. Spaces are not counted.
    • Institution names should not be included in the title or body of the abstract. Alternative language is “at one institution” or “a multi-institution” study, etc. This does not apply to cooperative research group names. 
  3. Abstract Authors:
    • A maximum of 20 authors’ names may be listed on each abstract. There are no exceptions.
    • A Conflict of Interest Disclosure form must be submitted for each author. You can collect this information from the authors before you begin the submission.
    • The principal investigator (PI) should be listed as the final author on the abstract.
    • There is no mechanism for listing co-lead authors or co-PI’s.
    • Each author must have made substantial contributions to:
      • conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of data
      • drafting the abstract or revising it critically for important intellectual content
      • final approval of the version to be submitted/published
  4. Use of Brand Names and Trade Names: Presentations must give a balanced view of therapeutic options. Brand names of pharmaceuticals and trade names of medical devices cannot be used in the title or body of the abstract. ASTRO reserves the right to replace proprietary names with generic names.
  5. Track: The most appropriate track and subcategory for the abstract should be selected. Please note that the AM Scientific Committee Chairs have the authority to recategorize any abstract.
  6. 提交费-Submission Fee: A $75 (USD) nonrefundable submission fee will be charged per abstract submitted. Payment is due at the time of submission. Payment must be rendered using a credit card.


Late-breaking Abstracts
  1. The late-breaking abstract submission site will open on June 26, 2024, and close July 12, 2024.
  2. A late-breaking abstract is an original research abstract containing important late-breaking research results that were not available prior to the regular abstract submission deadline. The research is limited to highly significant and timely findings and cannot be a revision of an abstract submitted prior to the regular submission deadline. Trials in progress are not eligible to be submitted as late-breaking abstracts.
  3. Late-breaking abstracts must not have been submitted, presented, accepted for presentation or published in any other scientific venue.
  4. A special panel of peer reviewers will review the late-breaking abstracts and the corresponding author will be notified of the abstract status by early August 2024.


Important Deadlines
  1. Abstracts must be received by 11:59 p.m. Pacific time, Tuesday, March 12, 2024. Abstracts may be edited up until the deadline. Abstracts will be considered ineligible for review if they are incomplete. Abstracts that are unpaid or have payment issues will not be considered. If you do not receive a confirmation receipt, follow up with ASTRO to confirm your “complete” status.
  2. Notifications: The person listed as Presenting Author will be notified via email of the disposition of the abstract by June 7, 2024. Abstract acceptance obligates the author to present the paper at the in-person meeting and pay the meeting registration fee. If circumstances prevent in-person meeting attendance, you must notify ASTRO and arrange for a co-author to present the abstract on your behalf.
  3. Revisions: Please proof your abstract carefully for formatting, spelling and data errors. Pay special attention to the author order and presenting author designation. Review your confirmation email, as this is how the abstract will be published. You can make updates to your abstract until the submission deadline, March 12. After that date, errors can be corrected if sent to ASTRO by July 19, 2024. After this date, we cannot make any corrections. This rule is strictly enforced. Please note: Revisions should not be substantive and should not alter the results or the conclusions of the abstract. Revisions are meant only to correct errors that were made in the initial submission.
  4. Withdrawals: If you choose to withdraw your abstract, please change your decision to “withdraw” in the Speaker Center by July 19, 2024 and notify ASTRO staff via email. After this date, your abstract will be published exactly as it was submitted in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics (Red Journal).
  5. Submission of an abstract conveys permission to be posted online and printed in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics (Red Journal)
  6. Late-breaking Abstracts: The late-breaking abstract submission site will open on June 26, 2024, and close July 12, 2024.



ASTRO 2024 注册费:


The In-person Full Conference experience includes:

  • Admission to all Education and Scientific Sessions.
  • Access to Poster Sessions.
  • Access to Exhibit Hall.
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall Networking Reception.
  • Admission to the PRO Program.
  • Ability to add event add-ons to your registration.
  • Ability to network with colleagues.
  • Continuing medical education (CME) credits.
  • onDemand access to session content.
  • Access to the Annual Meeting Virtual Poster Library.
Registration Category Early-bird:
Until June 27
June 28 - August 15
After August 15
$799 $899 $999
Emeritus Member
$399 $499 $599
Member-in-Training (Resident/Fellow)
$399 $499 $599
Allied Professional Member Rate
$529 $629 $729
Postdoctoral Fellow Member
$399 $499 $599
Student/Grad Student Member
$99 $149 $199
Nonmember $1,249 $1,399 $1,549
Allied Professional Nonmember Rate
$699 $799 $899
Resident/Fellow/Postdoctoral Fellow Nonmember
$449 $549 $649
Patient Advocate Nonmember
$99 $149 $199
Student/Grad Student Nonmember
$149 $199 $249
ASRT Registrant
$529 $629 $729
SROA Registrant
$529 $629 $729

*Please note if you are an ASTRO member from a low or low middle income country as identified by the World Bank, you will receive a 50% discount off your corresponding registration rate if registering for the in-person full conference or virtual full conference packages.




The Virtual Full Conference experience includes:

  • Real-time access to Education and Scientific sessions streamed live from the Annual Meeting.
  • Access to the PRO Program.
  • Continuing medical education (CME) credits.
  • onDemand access to session content.
  • Access to the Annual Meeting Virtual Poster Library.
Registration Category Early-bird:
Until June 27
June 28 - August 15
After August 15
$899 $999 $1,099
Emeritus Member
$499 $599 $699
Member-in-Training (Resident/Fellow)
$499 $599 $699
Allied Professional Member Rate
$629 $729 $829
Postdoctoral Fellow Member
$499 $599 $699
Student/Grad Student Member
$199 $249 $299
Nonmember $1,349 $1,499 $1,649
Allied Professional Nonmember Rate
$799 $899 $999
Resident/Fellow/Postdoctoral Fellow Nonmember
$549 $649 $749
Patient Advocate Nonmember
$199 $249 $299
Student/Grad Student Nonmember
$249 $299 $349

*Please note if you are an ASTRO member from a low or low middle income country as identified by the World Bank, you will receive a 50% discount off your corresponding registration rate if registering for the in-person full conference or virtual full conference packages.



The Weekend/PRO registration package is designed for individuals who can’t leave their practice for an entire week and can only attend the Annual Meeting over the weekend on Saturday and/or Sunday. Included with this package is the PRO Program that is curated to keep in mind the ins and outs of a community practice and will include disease site reviews, interactive case-based discussions, a coding update and a scientific overview.

Weekend/PRO Package (in-person) registration includes:

  • Access to PRO Program held on Saturday and Sunday.
  • Admission to in-person Education and Scientific Sessions on Saturday and Sunday only.
  • Exhibit Hall access on Sunday only.
  • Access to Poster Sessions on Sunday only.
  • Ability to add in-person event add-ons for Saturday and Sunday.
Registration Category Early-bird:
Until June 27
June 28 - August 15
After August 15
Member (All Categories) $429 $529 $629
Nonmember (All Categories) $529 $629 $729



One Day (in-person) registration includes:

  • Admission to in-person Education and Scientific Sessions for one day of the meeting (Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday only).*
  • Exhibit Hall access for one day (Monday and Tuesday only).
  • Access to Poster Sessions for one day.
  • Ability to add in-person event add-ons for one day.

* One Day registration is not available for Saturday or Sunday. To attend Saturday and/or Sunday, please select the Weekend/PRO package. If you would like to attend more than one day of the meeting, you must register for the In-person Full Conference or Weekend/PRO registration packages. 

Registration Category Early-bird:
Until June 27
June 28 - August 15
After August 15
Member (All Categories) $429 $529 $629
Nonmember (All Categories) $529 $629 $729



ASTRO 2024年美国放疗年会-ASTRO放射治疗肿瘤年会-ASTRO放射年会-美国放射肿瘤学年会


◆ 参会对象:

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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