2023年世界耳鼻喉科学大会(IFOS 2023)

◆ 会议时间:2023年1月17-21日
◆ 会议地点:阿联酋 迪拜


◆ 会议简介:


国际耳鼻喉科学会联合会(IFOS)是代表有组织的耳鼻喉机构的全球性组织,于1965年在东京世界耳鼻喉科学大会期间成立,其宗旨是保持世界大会的连续性。IFOS是一个非政治性组织,代表着120个成员国的50,000多名耳鼻喉科医师,是全球听力损失障碍预防的领导者。 IFOS由每4年召开一次的世界大会管理,在召开世界大会期间选出下一次会议的举办地,并选出一个执行委员会,负责处理IFOS在世界大会之间的业务。执行委员会目前由18名成员组成,每届任期为4年,可连任一次,其中至少有两名来自以下各大洲或地区:非洲和中东、中美洲和南美洲、东亚、北美和南亚和西亚,至少四名来自欧洲,至少一名来自大洋洲。六名区域秘书将由执行委员会选出,协助秘书长的工作,并与本区域执行委员会成员合作。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com).

IFOS 2023: World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology - International Federation of ORL Societies (IFOS)
Date: 17-21 January, 2023
Venue: Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE

Theme: Connecting Minds, Creating a Future for a better tomorrow

The World’s Leading Event for ENT, ORL Care and Communication Disorders
IFOS has established a long-standing tradition of education and continues to stimulate the level of training required for Otolaryngologists and allied health workers from around the world. Join us in person from 17 – 21 January 2023 to share knowledge and understanding of global OHNS diseases and their treatment.



Abstract Submission Deadline - 31st October 2022

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


All abstracts are to be written in English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts where the English structure makes comprehension difficult.

  • The title must be brief, concise, and in CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • Abstract title limit: 20 words.
  • Authors: Please enter your name and your colleagues’ names as you wish them to appear in the Final Program.
  • The Abstract text should have a minimum of 200 words and maximum of 400 words only.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the rights to redact any submission.
  • Do not include references in the abstract.
  • Do not include keywords in the abstract.
  • Abbreviations should be spelled out, in parenthesis, in its first use in the abstract.
Please check the Session category definitions to understand what category you are aiming to submit your abstract under: Click here

If you are submitting a free paper:

The abstract content:

  • Purpose of the study
  • Materials and methods used
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • Authors and their affiliations

If you are submitting a roundtable OR a symposium proposal OR an Instructional course:

  • The objective and content of your proposal
  • Purpose of the roundtable, symposium or course
  • Instructor/Panelist's name, nationality and presented topics




Welcome Messages

When saying Goodbye at the closing ceremony in Paris 2017 one would not believe what the future would bring. The perspective of the IFOS congresses and training and educational activities looked so promising and perfect, and our Canadian friends celebrated their victory. The Covid period has changed everything. The international and internal Canadian situation did not allow the IFOS Congress to be organised in June 2022. After intensive discussion the IFOS Board has decided to move the congress to Dubai for the period January 17-21, 2023. So, the baton of the IFOS Congress organization has been passed to Hussain Al Rand, President of the United Arab Emirates ORL HN Society. The Congress Scientific Committee supported by the best experts from the Gulf region together in cooperation with IFOS subspeciality chairpersons, YO IFOS group, French and Canadian colleagues have a great responsibility to prepare successful IFOS Congress 2023.

It will be a different IFOS congress from the Paris one. Not better, not worse - simply different. In principle the IFOS Congress will always be the gathering of experts from all over the world with round tables, panels, instructional courses, oral presentations, posters, movies etc. But each organizer and all participants inoculate a different atmosphere, personal contribution which makes the IFOS Congress so unique, diverse, and different from the previous meetings.

The time for the high-level scientific program preparation is significantly shorter than for other IFOS Congresses. We have regular meetings with the Congress Organization and Scientific committee, and I can see how much effort is being invested to reach the goal: the unique IFOS world ORL congress in Dubai 2023. Each single detail has been discussed regarding the personal communication, scientific program, social program, modern technologies, education, and training. I have no doubt that in the period 17-21 of January 2023 all of you who plan to come to Dubai for the IFOS 2023 will appreciate this effort and activities of the UAE, GCC and international colleagues to prepare attractive program and the friendly milieu for gathering otorhinolaryngologists from all over the world.
It is my great pleasure to invite you all from each continent Africa, America (Central, North and South), Asia, and Europe to meet in Dubai, in the Capital of the ORL World 2023.

Milan Profant
IFOS General Secretary





Physician, ENT Specialists : $550
Young Fellows(Below 35 yrs): $350
University Students & Residents: $150
Nurses : $150
Accompanying Person: $300
Speech – Language Pathologists & Audiologists: $150
Humanitarian Support Countries (Residing in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine & Yemen): $250
Candidate Cities: $550
Networking Event: $150



Physician, ENT Specialists : $750
Young Fellows(Below 35 yrs): $450
University Students & Residents: $200
Nurses : $200
Accompanying Person: $300
Speech – Language Pathologists & Audiologists: $200
Humanitarian Support Countries (Residing in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine & Yemen): $350
Candidate Cities: $750
Networking Event: $150



Physician, ENT Specialists : $1000
Young Fellows(Below 35 yrs): $550
University Students & Residents: $250
Nurses : $250
Accompanying Person: $300
Speech – Language Pathologists & Audiologists: $250
Humanitarian Support Countries (Residing in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine & Yemen): $450
Candidate Cities: $1000
Networking Event: $150


Workshops Date Venue Early Bird till
15 Dec 2022
Late Registration
10th Temporal Bone Dissection Course With Hands-on Hearing Implant 14 - 15 JAN 2023 MBRU $ 1,900 $ 2,000 (20 Seats Only)
12th Pan Arab Rhinology Basic & Advanced Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (Fess) Course With Hands-on Cadaver Dissection 16 - 17 JAN 2022 MBRU $ 1,900 $ 2,000 (20 Seats Only)
10th Intensive Snoring And Sleep Apnea Course With Hands-on Cadaver Dissection 21 JAN 2023 MBRU $ 950 $ 950 (10 Seats Only)
10th Aesthetic and Functional Septorhinoplasty Course With Hands-on Cadaver Dissection: Step By Step Rhinoplasty & Septoplasty 21 JAN 2023 Dubai Hospital/ MBRU $ 1800 $ 1800 (10 Seats Only)


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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