
◆ 会议时间:2023年9月26日至29日
◆ 会议地点:瑞士 巴塞尔


◆ 会议简介:



ESTP 2023 - 20th European Congress of Toxicologic Pathology

Date:September 26 – 29, 2023
Vevue:Basel, Switzerland

Theme: Emerging Therapeutic Modalities

Organized by: European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP)



Information and submission for posters
Information and submission for case presentations


Abstracts must be submitted online via the abstract submission module. The deadline for receipt of the abstracts is 23.59 GMT +1 on May 15, 2023, and the online abstract submission site will be deactivated as of 00.01 GMT +1 on May 16, 2023. After this date, abstracts will not be accepted or considered!

Please note that abstracts can be submitted only via this module. It's not possible to send these in by e-mail, as a shared file, etc. Abstracts that are not handed in via the module will NOT be reviewed by the Poster Evaluation Committee.

Format of the abstract
• Abstract title (max. 20 words)
• Abstract text: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion (max. 250 words for the entire abstract)

Author/co-author details & affiliations
Please, take a good look at the names and affiliations of all authors before handing in your submission. After submission NO changes will be made to the names and/or affiliations. Please make sure that you check that co-author details are correct, as these cannot subsequently be changed either. This means that if your abstract is accepted for presentation at the congress, the details will be published in the abstract book of the program as received from you, during the submission of the abstract.

Acknowledging successful submission
When your abstract is successfully submitted, you will receive an acknowledgement by email, containing details of the exact submission (including title, author, co-authors, and text).

Please take the time to check this carefully and contact the congress secretariat (EMAIL) as soon as possible if there are any errors. Your abstract will be reviewed after the submission deadline and you will be informed within 2-3 weeks whether the poster is accepted, rejected or accepted subject to being revised (in which case you will be informed of the timeline for resubmission). In case of acceptance, you will be provided with the details for your poster presentation (poster size, format, etc.)


Case presentations

All case presentations will be interactive slide sessions. Please prepare your presentation according to the example/instructions given on the ESTP congress page.
All presentations will be 20 minutes (15 min. presentation + 5 min. discussion). The history (i.e. background information) of the Case Presentations will be published in the official abstract book.  Since the cases will be open to discussion during the presentation, the presenter’s diagnosis etc will not be disclosed to the audience in advance. Therefore, submitters will provide a History, that will be published in advance in the program, and Information for the reviewer, that will not go into the program, but will be reviewed before deciding whether to accept the presentation.

Case presentations must be submitted online via this submission module. The deadline for receipt of the case presentation is 23.59 GMT +1 on May 15, 2023, and the online submission module will be deactivated as of 00.01 GMT +1 on May 16, 2023. After this date, case presentations will not be accepted or considered!
Please note that case presentations can be submitted only via this module. It is not possible to send these in by e-mail, as a shared file, etc. Case presentations that are not handed in via the module will NOT be reviewed by the Evaluation Committee.

Format of the case presentation
• Case title

• Field 1:
History with basic details to be included into the abstract book without naming the histopathological findings: Animal(s), Species / breed, Sex, Age, Study type, Clinical findings, Additional optional information e.g. compound class, organ(s) weight, gross finding(s) and staining

• Field 2:
Information for the reviewer and for the audience to be posted as pdf after the congress on the ESTP homepage (available for ESTP members and congress participants). Contributor's morphologic diagnosis, Description and comments, Literature, Any additional comments

Author/co-author details & affiliations
Please, take a good look at the names and affiliations of all authors before handing in your submission. After submission NO changes will be made to the names and/or affiliations. Please make sure that you check that co-author details are correct, as these cannot subsequently be changed either. This means that if your case presentation is accepted for presentation at the congress, the History will be published in the program as received from you, during the submission of the case presentation.

Acknowledging successful submission
When your case presentation is successfully submitted, you will receive an acknowledgement by email, containing details of the exact submission (including title, author, co-authors, and text). Please take the time to check this carefully and contact the congress secretariat (EMAIL) as soon as possible if there are any errors. Your case presentation will be reviewed after the submission deadline and you will be informed within 2-3 weeks whether it is accepted or rejected.





Registration fees
Early fee on or before 20 June 2023 

Members €
Non Members €
Student Members €
Student Non Member €
One Day registration €

Late fee on or after 21 June 2023
Members €
Non Members € 
Student Members € 
Student Non Member € 
One Day registration € 

The registration fee includes
• Admission to all scientific sessions
• Admission to the exhibition area
• Daily lunch
• Daily coffee breaks
• Final programme
• Welcome reception
• Congress Dinner

Registration fee IATP Symposium
IATP Symposium € 
IATP Symposium + lunch €

The registration fee includes
• Admission to the IATP scientific sessions
• Coffee break
• Lunch only upon separate registration!


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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