
◆ 会议时间:2023年2月22日至25日
◆ 会议地点:德国 柏林


◆ 会议简介:


ATTD 2023 - 16th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes
Date: 22-25 February 2023
Venue: Berlin, Germany

The ATTD is a unique Conference that provides a world-class platform for clinicians and scientists to present, discuss and exchange insights on the most rapidly evolving area of diabetes technology and treatments.



Abstract Submission Opens 29 June 2022
Abstract Regular Submission Deadline Thursday, 6 October 2022 midnight CET (23:59)
Abstract Notifications* Late November 2022

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Before you begin, please prepare the following information:

  • Presenting author’s contact details:
    – Full first and family name(s)
    – Email address
    – Affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city state (if relevant), Country
    – Phone number
  • Author and co-authors’ details
  • Preferred Presentation type: Oral Presentation/ e-Poster
  • Abstract title – must be in UPPER CASE and limited to 25 words. Please submit symbols as words.
  • Abstract text – limited to 250 words including acknowledgments. (Please Note: word count is affected when graphs/tables are included).
  • Abstract topic– select the abstract topic per the list of topics.
  • Images– The maximum file size of each image is 500 KB. The maximum pixel size of the graph/image is 600(w) x 800(h) pixel. You may upload images in JPG, GIF or PNG format. Note: images don’t affect the word count.
  • Abstracts should clearly state:
    Background and aims
  • Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears.
  • Use generic names of drugs. The presentation must be balanced and contain no commercial promotional content.
  • Submissions may not contain patient names, hospital ID numbers or other identifying information.
  • Click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the process in order to save your abstract. You may log in to the system later to make changes to your abstract, up to the submission deadline. After the deadline, changes will not be possible.
  • You will receive an abstract reference number via email after you have submitted your abstract. Please refer to this abstract number in all correspondence regarding the abstract.
  • Please contact us if you have not received confirmation that your abstract has been submitted.
  • Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.


Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are delighted to welcome you to the 16th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD 2023) to be held on 22-25 February 2023 in Berlin, Germany.

We invite you to be a part of ATTD – the leading international forum – where clinicians, diabetes care providers, researchers, industries, start-up, investors, reimbursement authorities, regulators and people with diabetes, assemble with the goal to ameliorate the care of people with diabetes as the fastest possible pace.

Presentations and discussions will be given by many distinguished professionals in the field and will include topics such as artificial intelligence-based decision support systems, glucose sensors, closed-loop systems, artificial pancreas, devices for diabetic prevention, new medications for the treatment of diabetes, new insulins, delivery systems and insulin pumps and many more.

ATTD 2023 promises to be an outstanding event and we will be happy to greet you in the interesting city of Berlin.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Moshe Phillip | Professor Tadej Battelino
Conference Chairpersons




◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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