◆ 会议时间:2023年6月18-20日
◆ 会议地点:意大利 米兰
◆ 会议简介:
AMP Europe 2023 Congress
Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) 2023 Europe Congress
37th Congress of the Italian Society of Pathology and Translational Medicine (SIPMeT)
Date: June 18-20, 2023
Venue: Milan, Italy
- Abstract submission deadline: February 1, 2023
- Notification: The Author will be notified by email in March 2023
Submit your abstract
Publication in The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics
An abstract that is received by the submission deadline will be considered for publication as an online supplement to the June 2023 issue of AMP’s official journal, The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics (JMD). In order to be eligible for publication in JMD, this abstract must not have been published elsewhere and may not be currently under consideration as an abstract for another meeting that occurs prior to June 2023. It must contain updated or additional data from previous publications of the subject information. Acceptance for publication is the sole decision of the AMP Europe 2023 Organizing Committee. Abstracts that have been previously published or that are under consideration as an abstract for another meeting that occurs prior to June 2023 will be rejected. We DO, however, allow abstract submissions that have been accepted at other AMP events.
Abstract Topics
- Genetics/Inherited Conditions
- Hematopathology
- Infectious Diseases
- Informatics
- Solid Tumors
- Other (Education, Tech Topics, etc.)*
*Abstract submissions in the “Other (Education, etc.)” topic category may include descriptions of novel educational approaches, innovative programs, pioneering technologies, etc. As with other abstract submissions, these abstract submissions must demonstrate the scientific method, i.e., describe the methodology and data collection, identify how to measure, analyze, and report outcomes, and provide conclusions.
Submission Guidelines
Abstract Content
Please type your Abstract Title in title case, e.g., “This Is an Example of Title Case”. You may include italics (gene names), Greek letters, and special symbols, e.g. °C (degree sign), etc. The Abstract Title is limited to no more than 200 characters.
All abstracts are limited to a total of 3,000 characters (including spaces) and either one table or one chart.
Your abstract must include the following information:
- Introduction: a brief discussion of the background or rationale of the study and/or the question addressed.
- Methods: the experimental approach, materials, and methods used in the study.
- Results: the data and results obtained in the study.
- Conclusions: the conclusions and/or implications of the results.
Format Requirements
Abstracts that are not submitted properly will receive an administrative reject and will not be reviewed.
Abstract submission deadline: February 1, 2023
Abstracts must be submitted properly and in English. The online system is a database, with data fields (title, author 1, author 2, author 3, etc.) that are used to generate the published abstracts. Therefore, pay careful attention to the submission instructions and to the submission process, including spelling, capitalization, author names, etc. Avoid citing sources in your abstract. The abstract should focus on your original research, not on the work of others. The abstract should be self-contained and fully understandable without reference to other sources.
All abstracts must include the required headers listed below; each header must be included in your text:
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
- Abstract Limits:
- Number of authors: 30
- Abstract Title: 200 characters
- Abstract Content: 3000 characters (with spaces and including section headers)
- You may include formatting (italicizing genes), Greek letters and special symbols, e.g., °C (degree sign), superscripts, etc. Data must be reported in narrative format in the abstract submission; tables may be included in your poster.
Your abstract will be rated using four criteria:
- Originality and Clarity
- Novelty
- Scientific Merit/Rigor
- Appropriate Conclusions
- Summary: Grounds for abstract rejection are:
- Failure to follow directions in 1-4.
- Abstracts that are not eligible for publication in JMD, i.e., have been submitted to another publication or to another meeting that occurs prior to June 2023.
- Abstract contains no scientific data or has only a promise of future data.
- Duplicate abstracts are submitted.
- Any author violated any of the AMP rules for presentation at a previous meeting, e.g., the authors failed to present a poster without notifying AMP prior to the meeting.
The five most common reasons for rejection are:
- Previously presented/published
- Poor organization/clarity
- Does not provide novel information
- Insufficient scientific quality
- Insufficient data
Message from the Congress Chair
I am excited to invite you to attend the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) 2023 Europe Congress, which will take place June 18-20, 2023 in Milan, Italy.
AMP is the leading organization in the field of molecular diagnostics, and our Europe Congress is a premier meeting of molecular professionals around the globe. As always, we will explore how cutting-edge technology and developments in molecular testing and diagnostics continue to have a major impact on patient care. Please be sure to check back for all the latest information.
This year’s Congress will be held in conjunction with the 37th Congress of the Italian Society of Pathology and Translational Medicine (SIPMeT). We are delighted to have our Italian colleagues participate in this prominent event.
We look forward to seeing you in Milan in June 2023!
Charles E. Hill
Registration Fees
Early Bird Rate
Until March 23, 2023 |
Regular Rate
From March 24, 2023 |
Delegate, AMP Member |
480,00 € |
585,00 € |
Delegate, AMP Affiliate Society |
515,00 € |
645,00 € |
Delegate, Non-AMP Member |
565,00 € |
680,00 € |
Medical/ Technical Assistant (MTA) |
425,00 € |
460,00 € |
Student* |
235,00 € |
300,00 € |
Day Ticket |
235,00 € |
235,00 € |
*Student: A delegate who is an undergraduate, graduate or medical student.
Your registration includes:
- Admission to scientific sessions
- Admission to poster exhibition
- Industry sponsored sessions
- Congress documents
- Admission to the opening ceremony and networking reception
- Access to online abstracts after the congress
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。